Thursday, 14 March 2013

Watch your step-the frigid temperatures can have long lasting effects

Is this the last week of Winter?

Injuries sustained this week could still see you needing attention long into the Spring or even early summer (whenever that might be).

Geruatricians on Care of the Elderly wards used to talk with @Spaceclinics staffers in their NHS days as being comfortable with falls on the wards as that fact illustrated that our older population was at least trying to be mobile.

A colleague had recently indicated that his partner had sustained a wrist fracture with a slip, and was interested in the reasoning that at least this meant that she had the reactions and capability to put her hand out to break her fall.

As we get older that capacity for reactive abilities mean that it is less likely that we can get a hand out and instead the force is sustained elsewhere in the body, usually the upper leg causing the oft-seen fractured neck of femur.

Either way, physio could be useful in a rehabilitative phase to ensure a return to fitness. All in all, our twitter images of city of Edinburgh( have been beautiful but there is danger on the icy streets & the message to watch yoyr step is very well-intentioned, and we would urge our younger population and silver surfers to avoid the temptation to text whilst walking!

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